Sponsorship Opportunities for VOR's 2018 Annual Meeting and Legislative Initiative
We invite you to join us in Washington, D.C. June 9th - 13th, 2018 for our Annual Meeting and Legislative Initiative.
We hope you will further our advocacy by becoming a 2018 Conference Sponsor.
Gold Sponsors - $5,000
- Full page ad in conference program & signage recognition.
- Opportunity to share information with conference attendees as an exhibitor
- 1-year Organizational Membership in VOR
- 5 free registrations at the VOR 2018 Conference (including one-year individual memberships for each attendee)
- 5 prix-fixe dinners at VOR’s Dinner at the Dubliner event (Sunday, June 10, 2018)
Protecting Choice & Quality Sponsors - $3,500
- • Half-page ad in conference program & signage recognition.
- • Opportunity to share information with conference attendees as an exhibitor
- 1-year Organizational Membership in VOR
- 3 free registrations at the VOR 2018 Conference (including one-year individual memberships for each attendee)
- 3 prix-fixe dinners at VOR’s Dinner at the Dubliner event (Sunday, June 10, 2018)
Annual Meeting & Legislative Initiative Sponsor - $2,000
- Quarter-page ad in conference program & signage recognition.
- Opportunity to share information with conference attendees as an exhibitor
- 1-year Organizational Membership in VOR
- 2 free registrations at the VOR 2018 Conference (including one-year individual memberships for each attendee)
- 2 prix-fixe dinners at VOR’s Dinner at the Dubliner event (Sunday, June 10, 2018)
Annual Meeting Sponsor - $1,000
- Quarter-page ad in conference program & signage recognition.
- Opportunity to share information with conference attendees as an exhibitor
- 1-year Organizational Membership in VOR
- One free registration at the VOR 2018 Conference (including one-year individual membership for the attendee)
- One prix-fixe dinner at VOR’s Dinner at the Dubliner event (Sunday, June 10, 2018)
Fellowship Sponsor - $500 (Need 5 sponsors)
- Recognition in conference program & signage recognition.
- Recognition in VOR’s print and e-mail newsletters, direct email announcement, on VOR’s website and in social media, reaching thousands.
- Opportunity to share information with conference attendees as an exhibitor
- One free registration at the VOR 2018 Conference
Advocacy Sponsor - $250 (Need 5 Sponsors)
- Recognition in conference program & signage recognition.
- Recognition in VOR’s print and e-mail newsletters, direct email announcement, on VOR’s website and in social media, reaching thousands.
All sponsors receive recognition in VOR’s print and e-mail newsletters, direct email announcements, on VOR’s website.