The Coronavirus has dominated the news in recent weeks. We wish all of our members and their loved ones the best of health, and urge you to consider the effects this virus may have on long term services and supports, residential facilities, at-home care, day care, and vocational centers.
Several articles have appeared in the news recently that bear on people with intellectual and developmental disabilities, medically fragile individuals, and other persons in long-term care.
Videos and power point presentations from VOR's 2019 Annual Meeting and Legislative Initiative.

On March 6th, 2018 the House Judiciary Committee convened to examine the harmful effects of class action lawsuits aimed at closing Intermediate Care Facilites for Individuals with Intellectual Disabilities (ICF's/IID). The hearing came at the request of Chairman Bob Goodlatte.

Testimony was presented by Martha Bryant, Mother, RN, BSN & VOR member, Caroline Lahrmann, Mother, VOR Ohio State Coordinator & past president, and Peter Kinzler, Father, longtime VOR Member, Director & Legislative Committee Chair. Alison Barkoff of the Center for Public Representation.

spoke on behalf of those in favor of using class action lawsuits against ICF's/IID and opposed to providing notification to families and guardians of individuals residing in these homes.
Read or download testimony of the participants: