Speaking out for People with
 Intellectual and Developmental Disabilities

The Human Consequences of DD Act Abuses: State Specific Reports

The primary programs authorized by the Developmental Disabilities Assistance and Bill of Rights Act (DD Act) are the state Developmental Disabilities Councils (DD Councils), state Protection and Advocacy (P&A) systems, and state University Centers for Excellence in Developmental Disabilities (UCEDD).

Some DD Act programs pursue activities which violate Congressional intent, including activities which:

1. Disregard family input, in violation of the Act's requirement that individuals and families be the "Primary Decisionmakers" through litigation, legislative advocacy, and organizational priorities;

2. Facility closure activities (ICFs/MR deinstitutionalization); and

3. Activities which discriminate against people with severe and profound intellectual and developmental disabilities, and the impact of these activities on these people.

A report of DD Act abuses covering many states is available here.

State Specific reports are available as follows: